Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Understanding Dog Moods

Here are some dog training tips and guidelines to to help you understand some of the different moods and body language that your dog may demonstrate:

Dominant - A dominant dog will usually have his ears erect or standing straight up, his eyes open wide and looking intently, his body standing stiff with lifted hackles, and his tail out from his body stiff or fluffed up. A low and aggressive bark can often be expected.

Friendly - A friendly dog will usually have lifted ears, open and watchful eyes, a calm mouth, a wagging tail or even the whole rear shaking, and possibly whining, yelping or letting out small barking sounds.

Playful - A playful dog will usually have a bended over pose with his rear in the air and a wagging tail implying "Let's Play!"

Submissive - A submissive dog will usually have his ears firmly back, eyes closed and paw raised up.

Aggressive - An aggressive dog will usually have his ears bundled down touching his head, his eyes narrowing or examining, body on edge, mouth bearing teeth and his tail held up. Growling is also common.

Worried - A worried dog will usually have his ears compressed and his neck hairs lifted up. Quick barks and howling are also common.

Feared - A feared dog will usually have a lowered posture, lowered tail or tail put between his legs, a curved back, and magnified pupils. Barking out of fear is common, especially if they are cornered, locked up, or on a restraint.

Stressed - A stressed dog will usually have his ears down and back, mouth open wide with fast breathing. His tail might also be down, lowered shoulders, bent frontward, a nervous attitude, and almost agitating.

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